Gamiburg's unique features

Gamiburg was actually the first universe created in the Listenverse, meaning it's set way ahead in time when compared to others. It is also the only universe in which the Gameic priests were completely erradicated during British colonization. That is, until their old hiding spots became public archeological sites, which were open for visiting, causing a """certain man""" to feel inspired and bring the religion of Gamia back.

Let's talk about Thomas Cordeiro

Because who would've thought a millenial could screw up this bad?

Back in the year 1990, a baby by the name of "Thomas" was born into the Cordeiro family, who at the time were the most famous family in the small Listenburgish town of Pendleton, due to their money and constant donations to the local Catholic church. However, behind the Cordeiro parents' masks of joy and care were controlling and mean monsters. For their abusive behavior and eventual habit of locking their son in, The now 17 year old Thomas would run away from home to the capital of Listenburg. After a year of struggling to get a place to live and getting different jobs, Thomas would enroll in community college, where he met his friends Brooke Danneels and Magnus Boracchio. In one of their many adventures together, as they liked hiking, Magnus took his grilfriend and Thomas to have a look at the Ancient hideouts used by Gameic priests way back in the 1300's: The Angel rings. There, Thomas would have his first contact with Gameic culture. Feeling a deep connection to the bravery of the ancient priests and being particularly interested in pursuing religion again, Thomas would do research on the topic of the fallen Angel, eventually becoming the first new follower of Gamia after 690 years of the religion's inactivity.

A post made to Thomas's facebook after he found out about Gamia.

M.A.R.S. and the new Gameics

In just 7 years of worshipping Gamia, Thomas managed to gather a large community of faithful believers: a group of around 900 people who were all interested in the ancient religion of Gamia. That same year, Thomas would manage to complete his two greatest projects: Finishing the construction of the M.A.R.S. ship with his followers and at last, giving his, Magnus' and Brooke's souls and body to Gamia ritualistically in order to make them not age. Thomas would do this out of a personal need for more time to "Prepare this world and himself to receive Gamia", as he planned on summoning the Angel someday. With that, Thomas and all his followers would sail away to sea aboard the M.A.R.S. ship, never to be seen again. ...Or so it seemed for a century. This is a story to be completed in the GAMIA Rpg project.