A brief introduction

Listenburg was one of the first countries colonized by England, back in the Middle Ages. Before its colonization, the country was known as Crescea and had its own beliefs: The religion of Scendi. However, there were a few people in Crescea who prefered to worship the fallen angel Gamia. Those people were known as Gameics. In other parts of this website, such as the MIDBURG section, the religion and Medieval History of Listenburg will be more elaborated upon.

some context on the Angels

Within the Listenverse so far, There are 3 universes: Sciburg, Gamiburg, and Gamiburg's branching universe: Midburg. The universes of Gamiburg and Sciburg are differentiated by a simple factor, that being the existence of Angels. The Angels are a distant, powerful predecessor species to human kind. A kind of interestellar big guys, to be clear. The recently mentioned god "Scendi" is, for example, an angel aswell. As also previously stated, the fallen Angel Gamia is also worshipped, though unlike Scendi he's more selfish and egocentric. He tends to only appear to those who have given up on themselves and others in order to focus on him (A good example of this would be the character Thomas from the GAMIBURG universe). However, until a couple hundred years ago, as you might see in MIDBURG that was not necessarily the case.